About Us
Our Mission
Pacifica School Volunteers (PSV) is a nonprofit organization designed to support and enrich the education and well being of children in Pacifica’s public schools. Our goal is to train and place volunteers in the schools with the greatest needs and strengthen ties between schools, families and the community.
History and Accomplishments
Pacifica School Volunteers began in the 1997/1998 school year with 23 volunteers, and has grown to more than 500 volunteers contributing over 20,000 hours to the public schools in Pacifica. PSV has been awarded the International Reading Association’s Celebrate Literacy Award, the Starbucks Bay Area Grants for Giving and the San Mateo County Children’s Report Award for Helping Children Succeed in School.
Why We Need Volunteers
In every classroom there are children who could benefit from the extra attention of a volunteer working with them on reading, math or other subjects. Studies show that this individual attention is beneficial to the academic and emotional well being of children. Evaluations by teachers report that the children benefit from working with our volunteers and show academic improvement.
Volunteers also bring skills and expertise to the classroom. There are many ways to volunteer. The time commitment can vary from a single experience, to several visits, to once a week in a classroom for the school year. Volunteers of all ages are welcome from teenagers to senior citizens. Click on “Volunteer†to find out how you can help.
Board Members

Board Member, Mike Perez, joined a classroom at Sunset Ridge to read to students for Read Aloud Day
Michelle Morales Stevenson, President |
Joan Weideman, Treasurer |
Karen Dutton, Secretary |
Mike Perez |
Sydney Tyler-Parker |
Shakeel Ali |
Sue Beckmeyer |
Mary Bier |

Patrick Sayres, Executive Director
Foundation Partners
Our Foundation Partners include the following:
- The Woodlawn Foundation
- The Fleishhacker Foundation
- The Atkinson Foundation
- The JH Robbins Foundation
- Safeway Foundation
- Wells Fargo Foundation
- Sam Mazza Foundation
- Walmart Foundation
Some of our community supporters include the following businesses and organizations: The Pacifica Lion’s Club, The Pacifica Rotary Club, St Andrew Presbyterian Church, Bleyle Elevator, Mazzetti’s Bakery, Safeway, Lockton Insurance.
Many, many more of our supporters are individual community members, just like you, who support education in our local schools. Thank you!
PSV’s Local Partners
Education partners of Pacifica School Volunteers include Pacifica School District, Jefferson Union High School District, Pacifica Libraries, Friends of the Library, The City of Pacifica and The Pacifica Collaborative.
The programs of Pacifica School Volunteers are supported by individual donors, community organizations, school PTOs, and foundation partners. PSV gratefully acknowledges all of our supporters, without whom we would not help meet student needs and see our programs succeed.
Pacifica School Volunteers is proud to collaborate and work together with the following partners:
- Pacifica School District/ Board of Trustees
- Jefferson Union High School District/ Board of Trustees
- City of Pacifica/ City of Pacifica Parks, Beaches and Recreation
- Pacifica Collaborative (PC)
- Pacifica Libraries/ County of San Mateo Libraries
- Friends of the Library
- Rotary Club of Pacifica
- Pacifican’s Care
- Pacifica School District PTOs